July 6, 2024


The Intersection of Information and Insight

What You Need to Buy a First Investment Property Now

5 min read

I’ve said it before: it’s always been difficult to buy your first property.

No matter whether it was the 1960s, 1990s or now, scrimping and saving for that deposit takes discipline and dedication.

Now I admit that with property prices around Australia at new peak levels in many locations, and interest rates still high for a while, saving the necessary funds to buy a property has become harder still.

And let me be frank: you’ll probably need around over $150,000 in savings plus good serviceability to buy an investment-grade property today.

What do you think about that statement?

How you get those funds is a topic for another day…

Instead what I want to talk about is why you need six figures behind you to have the best chance of becoming a successful property investor.

Cheap won’t get you rich

Here’s the thing: some investors think that buying cheap properties will make them rich over the long term.


Why is that, you ask?

Well…Cheap properties will always remain that way (relatively) because they are inferior products or in poor locations.

They’re the type of properties that appeal to fewer potential buyers.

And that means that their prices remain subdued because there isn’t a strong demand to drive prices up.

It’s the simple supply and demand equation.

Investment-grade properties, on the other hand, cost more and will always do so.

They’re the opposite of cheap properties and will always be the beneficiary of more demand than supply, which will result in strong capital growth over the years.

What do I mean by investment-grade property?

Well, I mean that they’re properties that: 

  • Appeal to a wide range of affluent owner-occupiers;
  • Are in the right location;
  • Have street appeal as well as a favourable aspect or good views;
  • Offer security as well as off-street car parking;
  • Have the potential to add value through renovations;
  • And have a high land-to-asset ratio.

Let’s face it: with a list of attributes like that, it’s no surprise that investment-grade properties will always be more expensive.

And that is why you should buy them.

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