July 3, 2024


The Intersection of Information and Insight

Property Development Strategy Of The Pros

5 min read

How many times have you driven past a property and said to yourself, “If only I had bought that property when it was for sale five years ago?

Who wouldn’t have bought more properties 10 years ago if they knew they would have doubled in value as many well-located real estate have done over the last decade?

Fast forward five years from now – would you like to own a property development site that costs you much less than its current price?

Well, maybe you should consider Land Banking – a strategy used by many professional property developers.

How Does Land Banking Work?

Land Banking is simply the process of securing future property development sites today, at the current price.

Many large property development companies buy Greenfield sites, farms, or large tracts of land and put them in their “land bank” to ensure they have a sufficient stock of land for future property developments.

Over time they rezone the land, put in the necessary roads and infrastructure, undertake a subdivision, and on-sell the individual lots.

While holding a bank or stockpile of land has helped many developers make big profits in a rising market, it has also been the downfall of a number of prominent developers when real estate values slumped, or rising interest rates blew out holding costs.

Land banking is a great strategy for smaller property developers too.

It’s an approach I’ve used successfully for the last few decades because I’ve learned to keep my holding costs to a minimum so they don’t break the bank.

You see…I don’t buy vacant blocks of land.

I buy old houses close to their “use by date” on well-located blocks of land, with property development potential in top suburbs.

While the rent I receive partially offsets my holding costs, I add value to my site by obtaining property development approval (D.A) and then over time, proceeding with the property development.

Why is Land Banking a good investment strategy?

Many investors have made small fortunes by land banking because they are able to use a number of different property wealth accelerators that, when combined, generate substantial profits:

1. Land appreciates – we all know that it’s the land component of your property investment that appreciates, so buying a property close to its land value can be a smart strategy.

2. Adding Value – by obtaining property development approvals you can add substantial value to a site.

Once you obtain development approval for subdivision or for multiple dwellings, apartments, or townhouses, you’ve taken out one element of the property development risk – the council approval process.

This makes your site more attractive to developers who may be prepared to pay a premium for it and it gives you the option of selling for a profit or refinancing and continuing with the property development process.

3. Riding the property cycle – I like securing potential property development sites in a “soft” market.

At these times, completing a project may not be particularly lucrative, so I can buy these sites at a good price.

As the market moves on, and it always does, the combination of a stronger market and owning a block of land with a D.A. in a prime position allows me to complete my project and make a substantial profit.

This strategy works particularly well in the inner and middle-ring suburbs of our capital cities, where there is no vacant land for future development, but there is an increasing demand for new medium-density developments from a whole new demographic of smaller households.

This includes Gen Y’s starting out in apartments, to DINKS (dual income no kids households); MINGLES (Middle-Aged Singles), and Baby Boomers who are downsizing.

The combination of the current flat property market, a limited supply of potential property development sites, and the future demand for more medium-density housing make a perfect recipe for successful land banking.


What are the risks?

Whilst this strategy offers significant rewards, there are a host of traps for the unwary.

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