July 3, 2024


The Intersection of Information and Insight

Only 4% of Poor People Become Rich. Why is it so Hard for the Poor to Become Rich?

4 min read

In my Rich Habits Study, 41% of the 233 self-made millionaires I interviewed came from poverty.

Conversely, in my Poor Group (128 people), 66% of them came from poverty.

While those stats are revealing, they didn’t answer one question that has constantly plagued me –

Out of the entire population of poor people, how many become rich?

So I sought out some credible, third-party data.

In a 2013 Pew Charitable Trust Report on income mobility, I found the answer: 4%

Here’s some of the data from that Pew Report:

  • Only 4% of the poor become rich.
  • Only 17% of the poor rise to the middle class.
  • 70% of the poor remain poor.

Why is it so hard for poor people to break free from poverty and become rich?

If you listen to the experts, they would tell you that poverty is a very complex social issue with many moving parts, or factors, such as:

Exploitation by the Wealthy

The wealthy exploit the poor for their own gain.

They do this, primarily, by supporting politicians who advance policies that favour the rich at the expense of the poor.

Unfair Taxation

The wealthy are able to maintain and grow their wealth through tax laws that favour the rich.

Tax laws that favour the rich prevent a normal redistribution of wealth, causing an inequitable gap in wealth between the rich and the poor.

Exploitation by Wall Street’s Financial Institutions

Greed led to the 2008 sub-prime debacle which nearly took down the world economy.

Financial institutions exploit the poor by lowering or ignoring their lending standards.

As a result, many poor individuals borrowed money from their homes, which included small print provisions allowing financial institutions to dramatically increase interest rates.

Poor Education  

Inadequate funding of public schools in poor communities means the poor receive a sub-par education, putting them at a disadvantage in society.

Crony Capitalism

Government and big business collude to benefit one another and the poor become pawns in the games they play.


The rich, Wall Street, banks, financial institutions, government and others in society discriminate against the poor.

Lack of Opportunity

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