July 6, 2024


The Intersection of Information and Insight

Are You Willing to do What it Takes to Become Rich?

5 min read

One of the most revolutionary and groundbreaking discoveries I made in my five-year Rich Habits Study, was the fact that there are Four Paths to Wealth.

I cover these paths in more detail in my new book, Effort-Less Wealth, but here’s a snapshot:

  1. Saver/Investor Path
  2. Big Company Climber Path
  3. Virtuoso Path
  4. Dreamer/Entrepreneur Path

What makes this discovery so revolutionary is that it means everyone and anyone can become rich.

That there’s not one way to become successful and wealthy.

There are multiple ways.

And why is that so important?

It’s important because we are all different.

We all have different personalities, different genes, different innate talents, different strengths and different weaknesses.

Because you now know that there are so many paths to becoming wealthy, your job becomes so much easier – you just need to figure out which path is the right path for you.

How do you know which path is right for you?

Each path has its own unique personality profile, demands and success habits.

I’ve covered the personality traits unique to each path here: Do You Have the Right Personality to Become Rich?

In this article, I’ll cover the Demands or Requirements of each path.

When you understand the demands of each path, it becomes easier to identify the right path for you.

Requirements to be a Saver-Investor Multi-Millionaire

Middle-Class Income – It’s hard to save when you are poor. Most of the poor are barely able to meet the costs of even a low standard of living.

But, if you have a middle-class income and keep your standard of living low, this will give you the ability to save.

Discipline – The typical Saver-Investor saves 20% or more of their income and lives off what’s left.

This requires discipline in saving first and discipline in minimizing how much money you spend.

Consistency – Saver-Investors consistently save and consistently invest their savings so that their wealth can grow consistently.

Time – It takes an average of 32 years for a Saver-Investor to accumulate their wealth.

Ultra Rich

Requirements to be a Big Company Climber Multi-Millionaire

Long Work Hours – Climbers have to work long hours.

Most Climbers have to travel regularly.

Airports, hotel rooms and taxis become a way of life.

And very often, Climbers have to work during weekends and on vacations.

Political Expertise – Besides the hard work, Climbers must possess expert political skills.

Those who do are able to outmaneuver their internal competitors – other Climbers, biting at their heels and stabbing them in the back, as opportunities present themselves.

There is always some other Climber seeking to undermine you in order to advance their personal agenda, which is usually the same as yours – climbing further up the company ladder.

Power Relationships – Climbers need mad relationship-building skills.

Those who succeed in reaching the upper echelons of a big company are almost certainly the best at building relationships, both within the organization they work for and within their industry.

Building these strong, powerful relationships, however, takes time, energy and money.

Frequent phone calls, constant entertainment, attending weddings, birthday parties or funerals and sending thoughtful cards for special occasions.

Just managing all of those Power Relationships takes up a big part of their workday.

Risk – The Climber Path has some unique risks.

If the company struggles financially, for whatever reason, your time investment in that company may not be rewarded, to the extent you expected.

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