June 29, 2024


The Intersection of Information and Insight

“My Spotify” Is Like Spotify Wrapped Every Month, and I Can’t Wait

3 min read

Key Takeaways

  • “My Spotify” campaign offers personalized messages, ads, and the “Made For You” hub for a unique music experience.
  • Celebrities and pop-up messages enhance the personal touch of the campaign throughout Spotify.
  • The “Made For You” hub centralizes custom playlists, AI DJ, and other music features in one accessible location for users.

Spotify isn’t just a platform to stream music anymore. With custom playlists and now the “My Spotify” campaign, the company has become the ultimate personalized music hub for each of its millions of users. “My Spotify” is the latest in custom experiences for premium subscribers, featuring individualized messages and a new “Made For You” hub.

“My Spotify” Gives You a More Personalized Experience

“My Spotify” is a campaign the company launched in mid-2024 to further the personalized experience that the platform has become known for. The three main aspects of the campaign are the advertisements seen around the globe and online, the personal pop-up messages to users in the Spotify app, and the new “Made For You” hub.

Celebrity Promotion and Ads for My Spotify

You may see billboards or other ads featuring both everyday users and some celebrities or artists mentioning their favorite things about their Spotify experience. This is all part of the campaign to bring attention to the accurate and personal experience of listening to your favorite music on Spotify.

Personal Pop-Up Messages

On the Spotify app, you may periodically see messages about your listening habits on your screen. For example, “Last month you listened to Doja Cat 58 times” or a similar statistic. These pop-ups are very similar to another campaign—Spotify Wrapped—which has proven extremely popular over the years. “My Spotify” brings Wrapped all year round instead of just at the end. You can share these messages with your friends or on social media.

Spotify’s “Made For You” Hub

Spotify has always been known for its custom playlists like Daylist and the new AI DJ, but now they are all together in one central place. The Made For You hub can easily be found using these steps:

  1. On the Spotify app, tap Search at the bottom
  2. Scroll to the Browse all section
  3. Tap Made For You
  4. Explore your personalized playlists and mixes!

What’s In Spotify’s Made For You Hub?

If you haven’t tried out Spotify’s generated playlists much, here is a quick taste of what you can find in the Made For You hub.

I love using specific genre mixes to get music that fits how I’m feeling at any moment. The artist mixes are also useful if you’re looking for some new artists to get into that are similar to those you already enjoy. You can also find your Spotify Blends there. I also started using the AI DJ through the Made For You hub, and I like it so far.

If you (like me) find making playlists difficult and time-consuming, this feature is definitely for you.

My Spotify Rolls Out to Select Countries First

According to Spotify’s announcement, the new campaign will launch over a few weeks in June 2024 in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. If you live in one of those countries, make sure your app is updated to get the new features. You may not get the pop-up stats immediately, but over time, you will. You will see the Made For You hub.

You must also be a Spotify Premium (paid) user to experience the full set of features. There are many premium plans to choose from.

If you don’t live in one of those countries, there is still hope! Spotify may expand the campaign if it is successful.

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