July 3, 2024


The Intersection of Information and Insight

6 Reasons Why Money Can Buy Happiness

3 min read

It’s an age-old debate:

Does money buy happiness?

While it’s sometimes the case that money can make people with “challenging” behaviours even more so, generally speaking, having enough money for the basic necessities of life as well as your wants and needs usually means a happier life.

Now I’m not saying that money will solve all your problems, but any problem money can solve isn’t really a problem when you have money.

While there’s plenty of research out there on whether money does indeed buy happiness, there is evidence on both sides of the equation.

Note: The secret is, though, it seems that true happiness can also come from deep personal connections and life experiences rather than material goods.

But there’s also information showing that people on the lowest end of the income scale are vulnerable to depression and other mental health problems.

So, here’s a look at some of the research indicating that money does indeed play a role in making people happier.

1. Your children’s brains will benefit

There’s a growing body of evidence supporting the idea that growing up in poverty can have a long-term impact on children’s cognitive development.

In the most extreme cases, children who have to endure something called “toxic stress” are shown to actually have chemically altered their brains.

Young Boy, Counting Money And Taking Notes

2. You’re less likely to experience depression

A 2012 report from Gallup revealed that people in poverty are more likely to suffer from health problems, with depression being the most common.

About 31 per cent of poor people said they have been diagnosed with depression at some point, compared to about 15.8 per cent (half as many!) for those not in poverty.

3. You can savour life 

When you have money, you don’t need to focus as much attention on acquiring it in order to meet your basic needs.

This frees up your mind to actually savour the experiences of life, according to a 2010 article in Scientific American.

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