July 3, 2024


The Intersection of Information and Insight

10 things Robert Kiyosaki says you can do today to escape the rat race

5 min read

Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad real estate blog carried a great article giving some ideas about how to escape the rat race and develop financial freedom.

While this was written some time ago and as you read them you may initially be surprised by the advice.

On the other hand, if you’ve been following my philosophy of first investing in yourself, these suggestions may sound familiar.

Here are 10 things Kiyosaki says you could do today:

1. Today I will treat every human being I encounter with respect, dignity, and kindness

Too often in the past, I have burnt bridges and failed to develop relationships with others.

Not today.

Today I will approach others with a smile on my face, a cheer in my voice, and a welcoming hello.

I will be an active listener and polite and courteous in all respects.

I will truly treat others how I wish to be treated.

2. Today I will draw on the inspiration of others

I will take a moment today to find a motivational quote or spend a few brief moments reading the story of someone else’s successful life.

Undoubtedly I will encounter setbacks today and I want to have a re-energizing force on hand that I can use for inspiration.

3. Today I will turn off the television

Not only will I turn off the television but today I will also put my other hobbies aside.

Perhaps I will take some time tomorrow or this weekend to pursue these pleasures, but not today.

I do know that once I escape the Rat Race I will have plenty of time to spend as I see fit.

Today I am going to focus on building the foundation of my life.

There will be ample opportunity in the future to harvest the fruits of my labor but today I am going to focus on planting the seeds.

4. Today I replace procrastination with action

There has been something on my to-do list for quite some time.

I didn’t do it yesterday. I didn’t do it the day before.

Unfortunately, it has been on my list of things to do for far too long.

I am tired of the stress it causes me and the bad habits it has been reinforcing.

Today it gets eliminated from my list.

In fact, the first thing I am going to do today is to take care of this thing.

Naturally, I don’t want to do it today, just like I didn’t want to do it yesterday, but when I go to sleep tonight it will be done.


5. Today I am going to add one person to my network

Robert Kiyosaki said “The richest people in the world look for and build networks. Everyone else just looks for work.”

I have long recognized the wisdom in this statement but I have not dedicated the time to build my own network.

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